The Ceremony of the "Juvenile Justice without Borders" International Award took place on the 9th of November 2010 at the Auditorium del Massimo in Rome, during the Fourth IJJO International Conference "Building Integrated Juvenile Justice systems: Approaches and methodologies regarding mental disorders and drug misuse".
The award was given by the Chairman of the International Juvenile Justice Observatory, Dr. Francisco Legaz Cervantes. The winners of this first edition were:
- The UNITED NATIONS LATIN AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRIME AND THE TREATMENT OF OFFENDERS – ILANUD, represented by its Director, Dr. Elías Carranza and Dr. Carlos Tiffer a collaborator in criminal matters
- The DIRECTORATE-GENERAL OF THE POLICE AND GUARDIA CIVIL ON THE SPANISH HOME OFFICE, due to the specialized work carried out by Children – Female Teams (EMUMEs) and Children Groups (GRUMEs) represented respectively by Mr. Andrés Sotoca Plaza, lieutenant of the EMUME CENTRAL and Mrs. María José del Castillo Urbina, SAF CENTRAL Group Leader of the National Crime Squad
- PROFESSOR SIR AL AYNSLEY-GREEN, first Children's Commissioner of England
- PROFESSOR DR. FRIEDER DÜNKEL, from the University of Greifswald (Germany).
The origin of the “Juvenile Justice without Borders” International Award is found in the wish of the IJJO to recognise the work of institutions, experts and personalities that have shown a firm commitment to the defence of children's rights and in favour of the juvenile justice systems that promote the integral development of children and youth in conflict with the law.
In this first edition 2010, the Jury of the International Award wanted to reward Institutions and personalities by recognising the important progresses and achievements in the defence of minors' rights and in legal and psychosocial fields as well as in research and direct intervention with minor offenders.